miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015

Sitting: our new killer

Sitting is the new health concern. Or so it's said on many internet articles and facebook posts.

After two hundred thousand years of sitting, science has revealed that this position is killing us, slowly. Many of these articles claim, that it's not enough to be focused on our monitor screens, but we now should do it standing.

Hemorrhoids and many other rear-end diseases, could be avoided by simply trashing that shady killer we all have in our workplaces: the office chair.

This hideous tool, is there luring us, mortals, into it's reign of lies and deception, providing us with superficial comfort that one day will turn against us, as an assassin waiting for the perfect time.

So, starting now, get rid, not only of the chairs but of any surface that has sitting cappabilities. Benches, low desks, stairs, all of them need to go. Remember is your health we are talking about.

Change all of your existing desks for shelves, and install them not less from you chest height.

Ask to your office manager, if there is a chance of installing a rail system on the roof, so every employee can attach a chest  harness to it, an float from office to office, avoiding the temptation to sit and giving the workplace a "cirque de solei" enviroment, that will definitely increase the productivity.

Or so it's said.